Ismail Rufai, CSAA is the Head, Financial and Shari’ah Advisory Unit at One17 Capital Limited. Ismail’s major area of specialisation is Islamic Finance with focus on Products development, Islamic Contracts Structuring, Research, Financial Advisory, Portfolio Management, Private Wealth Management etc. He has advised both Private and Public entities in the Issuances of Sukuk. Ismail previously worked with Lotus Capital Limited as a Sales Executive within the Northern region and was the Team Lead for the Retail Market and the BOI intervention Fund.
Ismail is an Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) Certified Shari’ah Adviser and Auditor (CSAA) Fellow. He is an alumnus of University of Abuja where he studied and majored in Economics. He also had a Certificate in Global Financial Markets and Instruments issued by Rice University and Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Issued by the X-Academy of the Nigeria Exchange Group (NGX).
Ismail has facilitated and attended different workshops and trainings on Islamic Finance within and outside Nigeria. His interests are in human development, financial literacy and Islamic finance advocacy.